PROVIDENCE HOLY CROSS MEDICAL CENTER is a Voluntary non-profit - Church, Medicare Certified Acute Care Hospital with 257 beds, located in MISSION HILLS, CA. It has been given a rating of 2 stars based on summary of quality measures. These measures reflect common conditions that hospitals usually treat. Hospitals may perform other services or procedures that are not reflected in these measures. A rating of 1-2 stars means the hospital performed below average compared to other hospitals.
Updated: 01/12/2019 — See below for more information on PROVIDENCE HOLY CROSS MEDICAL CENTER such as quality of care and patient experience.
See how PROVIDENCE HOLY CROSS MEDICAL CENTER scored for the following categories:
The following is a national survey that asks patients about their experiences during a recent hospital stay.
Answered “Always” | Answered “Usually” | Answered “Sometimes” |
Patients who reported that their doctors communicated well |
This Hospital: 80% California: 77% Nationwide: 82% |
This Hospital: 15% California: 17% Nationwide: 14% |
This Hospital: 5% California: 6% Nationwide: 4% |
Patients who reported that their nurses communicated well |
This Hospital: 78% California: 76% Nationwide: 80% |
This Hospital: 18% California: 18% Nationwide: 16% |
This Hospital: 4% California: 6% Nationwide: 4% |
Patients who reported that they received help as soon as they wanted |
This Hospital: 72% California: 63% Nationwide: 70% |
This Hospital: 21% California: 25% Nationwide: % |
This Hospital: 7% California: 12% Nationwide: 8% |
Patients who reported that their pain was well controlled |
This Hospital: % California: % Nationwide: % |
This Hospital: % California: % Nationwide: % |
This Hospital: % California: % Nationwide: % |
Patients who reported that staff explained about medicines before giving it to them |
This Hospital: 62% California: 63% Nationwide: 66% |
This Hospital: 19% California: 17% Nationwide: 17% |
This Hospital: 19% California: 20% Nationwide: 17% |
Patients who reported that their room and bathroom were clean |
This Hospital: 74% California: 72% Nationwide: 75% |
This Hospital: 18% California: 19% Nationwide: 17% |
This Hospital: 8% California: 9% Nationwide: 8% |
Patients who reported that the area around their room was quiet at night |
This Hospital: 50% California: 52% Nationwide: 62% |
This Hospital: 34% California: 32% Nationwide: 28% |
This Hospital: 16% California: 16% Nationwide: 10% |
These measures show how often hospitals provide care that gets the best results for patients with certain conditions.
Hospital | California | Nationwide | |
Emergency Department1 | Average (median) minutes patients spent in the emergency department, before they were admitted to the hospital as an inpatient | 298 minutes | 342 minutes | 282 minutes |
Average (median) minutes patients spent in the emergency department, after the doctor decided to admit them as an inpatient before leaving the emergency department for their inpatient room | 123 minutes | 141 minutes | 102 minutes | |
Average (median) minutes patients spent in the emergency department before they were seen by a healthcare professional | 30 minutes | 23 minutes | 20 minutes | |
Average (median) minutes patients who came to the emergency department with broken bones had to wait before getting pain medication | 44 minutes | 55 minutes | 49 minutes | |
Percentage of patients who left the emergency department before being seen | 1% | 2% | 2% | |
Percentage of patients who came to the emergency department with stroke symptoms who received brain scan results within 45 minutes of arrival | 89% | 70% | 72% | |
Average (median) minutes patients spent in the emergency department before leaving from the visit | 126 minutes | 161 minutes | 138 minutes | |
Heart Attack or Chest Pain2 | Outpatients with chest pain or possible heart attack who got drugs to break up blood clots within 30 minutes of arrival | Not Available | 55% | 57% |
Median Time to Fibrinolysis | Not Available | 29 minutes | 28 minutes | |
Average (median) number of minutes before outpatients with chest pain or possible heart attack who needed specialized care were transferred to another hospital | Not Available | 69 minutes | 58 minutes | |
Outpatients with chest pain or possible heart attack who received aspirin within 24 hours of arrival or before transferring from the emergency department | 100% | 95% | 95% | |
Average (median) number of minutes before outpatients with chest pain or possible heart attack got an ECG | 4 minutes | 9 minutes | 7 minutes | |
Colonoscopy care3 | Percentage of patients receiving appropriate recommendation for follow-up screening colonoscopy | 83% | 84% | 85% |
Percentage of patients with history of polyps receiving follow-up colonoscopy in the appropriate timeframe | 84% | 84% | 89% | |
Pregnancy and Delivery Care4 | Percent of mothers whose deliveries were scheduled too early (1-2 weeks early), when a scheduled delivery was not medically necessary | 4% | 2% | 2% |
Blood Clot Prevention and Treatment5 | Patients who developed a blood clot while in the hospital who did not get treatment that could have prevented it | 0% | 2% | 2% |
Cancer care6 | Percentage of patients receiving appropriate radiation therapy for cancer that has spread to the bone | Not Available | 77% | 82% |
Preventive Care7 | Patients assessed and given influenza vaccination | 99% | 94% | 93% |
Healthcare workers given influenza vaccination | 83% | 84% | 88% | |
Cataract surgery outcome8 | Percentage of patients who had cataract surgery and had improvement in visual function within 90 days following the surgery | Not Available | 95% | 96% |
See also