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Hospitals near Ventura, CA ×
(805) 652-6075
Acute Care Hospitals
Has emergency room — Volume: High (40,000 - 59,999 patients annually)
(805) 652-5011
Acute Care Hospitals
Has emergency room — Volume: High (40,000 - 59,999 patients annually)
(805) 988-2500
Acute Care Hospitals
Has emergency room — Volume: High (40,000 - 59,999 patients annually)
(805) 389-5800
Acute Care Hospitals
Has emergency room — Volume: Medium (20,000 - 39,999 patients annually)
(805) 640-2280
Critical Access Hospitals
Has emergency room — Volume: Low (0 - 19,999 patients annually)
(805) 497-2727
Acute Care Hospitals
No emergency room — Volume: High (40,000 - 59,999 patients annually)
(805) 955-6000
Acute Care Hospitals
Has emergency room — Volume: Medium (20,000 - 39,999 patients annually)
(805) 682-7111
Acute Care Hospitals
Has emergency room — Volume: High (40,000 - 59,999 patients annually)
(818) 676-4100
Acute Care Hospitals
No emergency room — Volume: High (40,000 - 59,999 patients annually)
(805) 681-6446
Acute Care Hospitals
Has emergency room — Volume: Medium (20,000 - 39,999 patients annually)