Contact Information

(641) 428-6444
Non - Profit Religious
CMS Certification Number: 167140
Medicare certification date2: August 07, 1984
The is the date the home health agency was certified to participate in the Medicare program.

1 Home health agencies can be run by private for-profit corporations, non-profit corporations, religious affiliated organizations or government entities. The type of ownership may affect agency resources and how services are organized. Quality can vary in home health agencies within each of the different types of ownership.

2 Agencies that are Medicare Certified are able to participate in Medicare related programs.

Services Offered

List of services offered at MERCYONE NORTH IOWA HOME CARE in MASON CITY, IA.

  • Nursing Care Services

    Care given or supervised by registered nurses. Nurses provide direct care; manage, observe, and evaluate a patient’s care; and teach the patient and his or her family caregiver.

  • Physical Therapy Services

    Treatment of injury and disease by mechanical means, like heat, light, exercise, and massage.

  • Occupational Therapy Services

    Services given to help you return to usual activities (like bathing, preparing meals, and housekeeping) after illness either on an inpatient or outpatient basis.

  • Speech Therapy Services

    This is the study of communication problems. Speech therapists assist with problems involving speech, language, and swallowing. Communication problems can be present at birth or develop after an injury or illness, like a stroke.

  • Medical Social Services

    Services to help you with social and emotional concerns related to your illness. This might include counseling or help in finding resources in your community.

  • Home Health Aide Services

    Part time or intermittent services to help you with your daily living activities.

Home Health Agency Report

In 2016, MERCYONE NORTH IOWA HOME CARE charged a total of $905,000 to Medicare for a total of 542 (non-LUPA) home health episodes provided to 485 Medicare beneficiaries.

The report covers only calendar year 2016.

Percentage of patients with these chronic conditions
Atrial Fibrillation 25% Alzheimer's 23%
Asthma 39% Cancer 15%
Congestive Heart Failure 50% Chronic Kidney Disease 53%
COPD 36% Depression 38%
Diabetes 44% Hyperlipidemia 73%
Hypertension n/a Ischemic Heart Disease 59%
Osteoporosis 15% RA / OA 58%
Schizophrenia 4% Stroke 8%
Average Number of Visits, per episode
Total non-LUPA Episodes542
Total LUPA Episodes47
Skilled Nursing Visits6.7
Physical Therapy Visits2.2
Occupational Therapy1.5
Speech Therapy0.1
Home Health Aide0.9
Medical-Social Visits0.0
Medicare Beneficiaries 485
Average Age 77
Male 201
Female 284
White 471
Black n/a
Asian n/a
Hispanic n/a
Other n/a

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